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Contact us now so we can start helping you…

 22/F 139 Cor­po­rate Cen­ter 139 Valero Street, Sal­cedo Vil­lage Makati City 1227, Philip­pines

 (+63) 2 8818 9492

We can also assist you with your recruit­ment needs through our affil­i­ates:



Please fill out the quick form below and we will be in touch with you with­in 24 hours.

By sub­mit­ting your Per­son­al Data to Mil­len­ni­um Busi­ness Ser­vices, Inc. (MBSI), you autho­rize MBSI to process your per­son­al data on your behalf, as may be rea­son­ably nec­es­sary to enable MBSI to pro­ceed with attend­ing to your inquiry or mes­sages and for any future relat­ed activ­i­ties regard­ing your mes­sage or inquiry. We will assume that the Per­son­al Data you pro­vid­ed are your own per­son­al data and not of oth­er peo­ple, and reflect your lat­est Per­son­al Data.

This con­sent is valid until MBSI acknowl­edges receipt of your writ­ten instruc­tions to with­draw your con­sent and opt to remove your per­son­al data from our data­base. In this con­sent, per­son­al data means any infor­ma­tion relat­ing to an indi­vid­ual, as defined under the Philip­pine Data Pri­va­cy Act (Repub­lic Act No. 10173) and its imple­ment­ing rules and reg­u­la­tions.