
Career Opportunities

We offer a com­pet­i­tive salary and ben­e­fits, pro­vid­ing you with many oppor­tu­ni­ties to grow in your career.
Work with the Finance and Account­ing Out­sourc­ing com­pa­ny that has been in the busi­ness for more than 25 years and be part of its growth.
If you meet the qual­i­fi­ca­tions below, we encour­age you to send your com­pre­hen­sive CV to this link: Recruit­ment

Qual­i­fi­ca­tion and Skills

  • Grad­u­ate of BS Account­ing or any Accoun­tan­cy relat­ed course.
  • Pro­fi­cient in MS Office and any account­ing soft­ware such as Quick­books, Xero, Sage, Net­suite, MYOB, etc.
  • CPA Licen­sure and/or 1-year expe­ri­ence in gen­er­al account­ing is an advan­tage.
  • Fresh grad­u­ates are also encour­aged to apply.

Consent on Personal Data

By sub­mit­ting your resume to Mil­len­ni­um Busi­ness Ser­vices, Inc. (MBSI) you autho­rize MBSI to process your per­son­al data, includ­ing sen­si­tive per­son­al infor­ma­tion, on your behalf, as may be rea­son­ably nec­es­sary to enable MBSI to pro­ceed with pro­cess­ing your appli­ca­tion. By pro­vid­ing per­son­al data of oth­er peo­ple such as ref­er­ences, you con­cur that you have solicit­ed their con­sent for such per­son­al data to be used by MBSI for pro­cess­ing of your appli­ca­tion.

MBSI will assume that the lat­est doc­u­ments you pro­vid­ed reflects updat­ed per­son­al data. It will be your respon­si­bil­i­ty to inform MBSI on any updates on your per­son­al data when changes are applic­a­ble to keep MBSI’s records up to date.

This con­sent is valid until MBSI acknowl­edges receipt of your writ­ten instruc­tions to with­draw your inter­est in fur­ther seek­ing employ­ment with MBSI. In this con­sent, per­son­al data means any infor­ma­tion relat­ing to an indi­vid­ual, as defined under the Philip­pine Data Pri­va­cy Act (Repub­lic Act No. 10173) and its imple­ment­ing rules and reg­u­la­tions.