Payroll Processing

MBSI’s pay­roll ser­vices pro­vides a smooth pay­roll pro­cess­ing to help you achieve bet­ter resource man­age­ment and removes the bur­den of this time-con­sum­ing task from you.
Aside from facil­i­tat­ing effi­cien­cy, it helps assure con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, integri­ty, avail­abil­i­ty of pay­roll require­ment and infor­ma­tion while com­ply­ing with Data Pri­va­cy Act of 2012.

Our ser­vices pro­vides:

  • Gross and net pay com­pu­ta­tion – these are avail­able and acces­si­ble for both employ­ees and employ­ers.
  • Tax com­pu­ta­tion – com­pu­ta­tion of With­hold­ing Tax­es and oth­er Statu­to­ry Tax­es are updat­ed and auto­mat­i­cal­ly processed.
  • Gov­ern­ment Man­dat­ed con­tri­bu­tion (SSS, Phil­health, HMDF) – Employ­ers are required to a num­ber of gov­ern­ment man­dat­ed con­tri­bu­tions and con­tri­bu­tions are processed auto­mat­i­cal­ly.
  • Gov­ern­ment Forms – There are var­i­ous required gov­ern­ment forms in which we pro­vide to clients. These forms are sent elec­tron­i­cal­ly in PDF for­mat.
  • Report­ing – It has the capa­bil­i­ty to pro­vide the fol­low­ing:
  • Main­te­nance of Employ­ee Pay­roll Mas­ter file
  • Pay­roll com­pu­ta­tion / Online Payslip
  • Statu­to­ry Com­pli­ance with SSS, Phil­heatlh and HDMF.
  • Final Pay
  • Prepa­ra­tion of cer­ti­fi­ca­tions
  • Year-end Annu­al­iza­tion
payroll processing