
Prop­er main­te­nance of all records, prepa­ra­tion and analy­sis of the bal­ance sheet and oth­er finan­cial state­ment are very essen­tial in man­ag­ing your busi­ness. Book­keep­ing tends to be a neglect­ed part of many busi­ness­es of all sizes. As a result, many com­pa­nies suf­fer from finan­cial mis­man­age­ment part­ly due to lack of, incor­rect, and/or non-time­ly avail­abil­i­ty of finan­cial infor­ma­tion. Out­sourc­ing these activ­i­ties to expe­ri­enced and qual­i­fied team like us will enable you to reduce costs and ben­e­fit on qual­i­ty book­keep­ing and account­ing ser­vices.

General Accounting

MBSI deliv­ers time­ly and con­fi­den­tial gen­er­al account­ing ser­vices to help ensure that your records are time­ly main­tained to be use­ful tools for your busi­ness deci­sions by man­age­ment. We can inte­grate our sys­tems with lead­ing account­ing soft­ware in accor­dance with your require­ments. Among the gen­er­al account­ing ser­vices we pro­vide are:

  • Book­keep­ing
  • Man­age­ment Account­ing Reports and Ser­vices
  • Finan­cial Account­ing Reports and Ser­vices
  • Inven­to­ry Man­age­ment
  • Tax Com­pli­ance


Accounts Receivable Processing

Out­sourced Accounts Receiv­able Ser­vices involves send­ing tasks such as invoic­ing, gen­er­at­ing state­ments, and rec­on­cil­ing cus­tomer accounts for com­ple­tion by a resource that’s out­side of your busi­ness. Our sys­tem­at­ic accounts receiv­able ser­vices ensure time­ly col­lec­tion and effec­tive cash flow for your orga­ni­za­tion that cov­ers:

  • Order Man­age­ment and Cus­tomer Billing
  • Col­lec­tions
  • Cred­it Man­age­ment
  • Clos­ing and Rec­on­cil­i­a­tions


Fixed Asset Management

Our ser­vices regard­ing fixed asset con­trol and man­age­ment includes:

  • Main­te­nance of Fixed Asset Reg­is­ter
  • Depre­ci­a­tion Cal­cu­la­tion
  • Clos­ing and Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion


Accounts Payable Processing

Often times, you may receive so many invoic­es for pro­cess­ing dai­ly and requires inter­nal resources to car­ry out the task. Our quick and effi­cient accounts payable solu­tions will help ensure an effec­tive back­room sup­port oper­a­tion for your ven­dors and sup­pli­ers that encom­pass­es:        

  • Invoice and Pay­ment Pro­cess­ing
  • Dis­burse­ments
  • Trav­el and Enter­tain­ment
  • Clos­ing and Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion


Outsource CFO Services

You maybe a com­pa­ny in tran­si­tion (star­tups), SMEs, or non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that requires an inter­im CFOs, full-time CFOs, or part-time CFOs to help man­age your finan­cial state­ments and book­keep­ing, as well as to pro­vide strate­gic guid­ance to help make bet­ter busi­ness deci­sions. We pro­vide can you part-time or frac­tion­al CFO Ser­vices and this includes:

  • Redesign­ing the Account­ing Process
  • Short- and Long-Term Fore­cast­ing
  • Finan­cial Strat­e­gy
  • Cash Flow Analy­sis & Restruc­tur­ing
  • Over­haul Report­ing
  • Bud­get­ing and Expense Con­trol